Vi er i DKQHA stolte af, at vi har fået vores første danske AQHA Professional Horseman nemlig Natasha Møller!
Gruppen er etableret af AQHA med det formål at søge mod de højeste standarder for så vidt angår professionalisme og foretningsmæssig integritet.
For at blive optaget som medlem skal man ansøge om det, og derefter går en bedømmelsesproces i gang, hvor repræsentanter fra kundet, etablerede professional horsemen og AQHA directors kommer med udtalelser til den besluttende AQHA myndig.
Er man sluppet igennem dette nåleøje venter i fremtiden kontinuerlige bedømmelser foretaget af “Professional Horsemen’s Council” og/eller “AQHA Executive Committee”. AQHA betragter medlemskab ag gruppen som et privilegium og ikke en rettighed. Udover horsemanship skills er der derfor nedenstående kriterier, som medlemmerne skal leve op til:
- To adhere to the professional standards of the American Quarter Horse Association and to work to further its goals and objectives.
- To ensure that the welfare of the American Quarter Horse is paramount and that every American Quarter Horse shall at all times be treated humanely and with dignity, respect and compassion.
- To conduct all business affairs with integrity, sincerity and accuracy in an open and forthright manner.
- To act with integrity in financial dealings with clients, other professionals and the public. In this regard, any horse shown by my spouse, client og child will be economically owned as prescribed by applicable rules.
- To fully disclose to customers the actual sales price and commissions involved in the sale or purchase of a horse.
- To not charge or receive a monetary commission, or other remuneration constituting a commission from both the buyer and seller of a horse.
- To handle our business, operations and communications (including those through social media) in a manner that promotes the positive image of the American Quarter Horse Industry.
- To instill confidence among clients and the public in the American Quarter Horse Industry, avoiding any conductive to discrediting it or membership ind the American Quarter Horse Association.
Vi kan alle som medlemmer af AQHA gå ind på deres hjememside og søge efter Professional Horsemen i vores nærhed, samt hvad de kan tilbyde en. I år er der i Europa kommet 5 nye til, hvoraf Natasha Møller er den ene, så nu har vi første dansker på listen.