(ENGLISH BELOW) DKQHA afholder i samarbejde med AQHA en virtuel clinic, med AQHA prof. horseman og AQHA-dommer Karen Graham! Clinic’ens tema er “both sides of the show pen” og Karen vil bidrage med sine perspektiver og tips, dels som dommer og dels som træner. Karen vil tage udgangspunkt i tre discipliner: halter, western horsemanship og trail. Det er ganske gratis at deltage – men der kræves dog aktivt medlemskab hos AQHA. Clinic’en består af 1-1,5 times videomateriale, samt 1 times live Q&A session. Videomaterialet kan tilgås lige når det passer en henover 5 dage (fra den 19.-23. juli), mens den live Q&A session finder sted den 23. juli klokken 20. Læs mere om dette spændende, gratis, virtuelle arrangement herunder!
– Information
-Du kan tilmelde dig ved at sende en mail til formand@dkqha.dk med dit AQHA medlemsnummer og dit fulde navn.
ENGLISH: DKQHA are hosting a virtual clinic in cooperation with AQHA. The clinican is AQHA prof. horseman and AQHA judge Karen Graham. The theme of the clinic is “both sides of the show pen” and Karen will contribute with her perspectives and tips as a judge and as a trainer. Karen will include three disciplines: halter, western horsemanship and trail. It is free of charge to participate, however AQHA membership is required. The clinic consists of 1-1,5 hour of video material and 1 hour live Q&A session. The video material can be watched at any time between the 19th and 23rd of July, while the live Q&A session will take place on the 23rd of July at 20:00/8 pm. You can find further details about this exciting, free, virtual event below.
– Information in English
– You can sign up for sending your name and AQHA no. to formand@dkqha.dk